Cinnamon Cake with spiced cream cheese frosting and gingerbread houses. This is a super soft cake with a creamy and pipable cream cheese frosting

Mix flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Set aside. On a medium sized bowl mix milk and sour cream and set aside

Beat butter, sugars and vanilla extract together, until fluffy. Add eggs mixing after each addition. Add flour mixture and milk mixture and mix.

Pour batter into prepared pans, and bake for 28-30 minutes. Let cool for 20 minute

Spiced cream cheese frosting Cream together shortening, butter and cream cheese until smooth, Add vanilla and mix

Incorporate sifted powdered sugar, salt and all spices, slowly. Frost cooled cakes and stack. Cover your cake with shredded coconut and add the gingerbread houses on the sides of the cake.